Harriman Ice Fishing Derby - Rules
​Official Derby Rules
*All anglers must comply with VT Fish & Game laws. Fish must be legally & freshly caught through the ice from Harriman Reservoir by a ticket holder. Fish must be taken Saturday or Sunday of Derby weekend.

*All members of fishing party must be registered with their own derby ticket.

*Child 14 years and younger must be represented and supervised by a registered adult.

*Valid fishing license & derby ticket must be shown to enter fish for board or tag prize fish.

*Use of sonar guns, metal detectors or other fish detector apparatus is prohibited & will be disqualified.

*All fish must be registered by 3:00 pm o the Sunday of derby weeken at Derby Headquarters. No exceptions! AWARDS CEREMONY 4:00 P.M. SUNDAY.

*All prizes awarded by weight. One prize per Fish per category.

*To claim prize, winner must have positive ID, derby ticket & fishing license.

*Prize value of $600 or more, won by a contestant 18 years or younger shall be issued to a legal guardian or parent designated by the contestant.

*Derby Judges have final approval of registered fish & reserve the absolute right to inspect, dissect or exclude any fish.

*All fish become property of the Derby Judging Panel until the end of the derby and must be picked up no later than 4pm on Sunday, if you want your fish.

*One Prize for One Fish Per Contestant.

*The Deerfield Valley Sportsmen’s Club, Inc. & Officials are not liable for any injury or loss of life or property due to thin ice. By entering you accept responsibility for your own safety and the knowledge of your surroundings.
*Contestant gives permission to use photographs taken at the derby for advertising purposes in newsprint or on our web site: www.dvscvt.org.
For full text of the Rule of Bait Fish, visit www.vtfishandwildlife.com​.​

Remember – all anglers must be able to produce their derby ticket, fishing license and bait receipt at the request of derby officials or any law nforcement officer, or VT Fish and Wildlife Game Warden.

The Deerfield Valley Sportsmen's Club Inc. and officials are not liable for any injury or loss of life or property due to thin ice. By entering you accept responsibility for your own safety and the knowledge of your surroundings. DVSClub BOD & Members.